Click here to buy Ellen's book The Bodymind Ballwork Method: A Self Directed Practice to Help You move with Ease, Release Tension, and Relieve Chronic Pain.
There are so many techniques, here are a few:
Use the 4-inch spikey ball to release tension in the base of your skull, neck, jaw, shoulders and length of your spine.
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Place the spikey ball under the bottom edge of your skull (note, off the neck and right at the ridge). Open your arms out, armpits open; palms turned upward, breath in a relaxed and easy way for two minutes.
To remove the ball, bring your left hand to the side of your head and tip your head into your hand as you gently pull the ball out with your right hand. Relax and enjoy the effects for a moment.
Use the small rubber ball to release tension in your feet. Place the ball under the ball mound of your big toe. Keep your heel on the floor and pulse your weight slowly on and off the ball. Move across the ball mounds pulsing several times under each toe. From the base of the pinky toe, make your way down the outer edge of your foot pulsing on the ball. Take your time. Pulse across the heel and up the inner edge of the foot back to the big toe. Pause between feet and enjoy a few breaths feeling the effects.
Use a tennis ball to roll out the bottoms of your feet everyday. Place one hand on a chair or wall so that you can focus on your foot rather than balancing. Notice the sensations as you roll the ball mounds, arches and heels. Pause between sides to feel the effects.